Boreal Landscapes - Oil sands monitoring (2022)
Data Portal
Data type: Camera data
Landscapes: 4 Camera sites: 156 Area: 4500 km2 |
Since 2020 the ACME Lab has been leading the Mammal Monitoring component of the Oil Sands Monitoring (OSM) program. OSM is a joint federal-provincial program, funded by industry, to explore the effects of oil sands development on water, air, and land.
The Terrestrial Biological Monitoring section examines amphibians, birds, and mammals. TBM is made up of researchers from several Universities, institutes, and consultancies. The TBM is guided by an independent Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) made up of specialists from First Nations, ENGOs, industry, and government. |
In 2020 we launched our new mammal monitoring program based on the BADR design: Before-After Dose-Response. This nested design monitors biodiversity within and among Landscape Units, or LUs. Explore more on this innovative design here.
In 2021-2022 we put BADR on the ground on two landscape units: a high-disturbance landscape and a low-disturbance landscape. Want to do your own science on the effects of oil sands on mammals? You can access all of the data on mammal communities in our DATA PORTAL above, hosted by UVIC's Dataverse. |
Fisher, J.T., and A. Ladle. 2022. Syntopic species interact with large boreal mammals' response to anthropogenic landscape change. Science of the Total Environment 822: 153432. Roberts, D., D. Beausoleil, R. Hazewinkel, A. Mahaffey, D. Sayanda, F. Wyatt, E. Bayne, J. Dennett, J.T. Fisher, and M. Dubé. 2021. A decadal synthesis of terrestrial biological monitoring in the Alberta oil sands region. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 18(2): 388-406. Fisher, J.T., S. Frey, W. Fuller, and J. Amerogen-Madison. 2020. The State of Knowledge of mammalian responses to oil and gas features in Alberta. University of Victoria, Canada, 69 pp. |